Creates a new game instance.
The game configuration.
The preload record.
animationAnimation frame ID for the game loop.
Game global audio volume.
Game average frames per second.
Background color of the game.
Canvas element for rendering the game.
The game configuration.
Canvas rendering context.
Current scene being played.
Debug mode flag.
Game delta time.
Draw object for rendering 2D shapes and images.
Game frame counter.
Game frame rate.
Game frame time buffer.
Game frame time last.
Game height.
Image assets record containing image elements.
Input object for handling user input.
Object classes record containing entity classes.
Game pause flag.
Flag indicating whether the game should render pixel-perfect.
postThe post-processing effect to apply to the game.
The preload record.
Game preloader percent.
Primary color. Used for text, and other UI elements like preloader.
Scene classes record containing scene classes.
Scene record containing all scenes.
Optional settings for the game.
Sound assets record containing Howl objects.
Game time.
Game time in real seconds.
Game width.
Represents a game engine that manages scenes, assets, and game state.